Once you save that reference, it will go into your term list exactly as you first saved it. The first time you enter a new author's name, it will appear in red. The authors term list is a list of every author you have entered in your references. This can prevent some future issues where it seems like EndNote is not working correct in Word, or seems like it is not applying the rules of your referencing style properly. You should check the term lists periodically for duplicate records that have been created accidentally. This entry will be used in subsequent EndNote references when you enter that journal or author.

The first time that a journal title or author's name is added to an EndNote library, EndNote automatically creates an entry in the relevant term list. Author names need to be edited in each record, but deleting incorrect names from the author term list will make it easier to maintain consistency. Term lists are used to maintain the consistency and accuracy of author names, journal titles, and keywords in an EndNote library. Any editing of journal titles needs to be done in the term lists, to make sure that each title has only one entry.